

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Nose Piercing

First off, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I hope you have all had an amazing Christmas and beginning of the year. 

The second thing, if you haven't already guessed by the title of the post, is I got my nose pierced. YAY!
I have been contemplating getting a nose piercing for a while now. So many thing to consider.  Will it look good?, Will I regret it?, Will it hurt?.
So I had never really gotten around to it. But for Christmas I got given a voucher to get it done.

I woke up this morning with complete butterflies! I had decided before hand to get it done using the needle because it is meant to be cleaner and less likely to get infected. I was so scared that it was going to hurt that I decided to Youtube people getting there nose pierced. That did not help! The process looked soooooo painful that I was -->this close<-- to just saying "no, this is not happening".
I went to get it done and the room looked like a torture chamber haha. White wall, black sponge bed, and an assortment of various needles on a steel table. (I reckon they should consider painting the walls pink. Or something more inviting). 

Anyway. The lady clamped my nostril in a pair of tong like things and then just pushed the needle through. I hadn't even realised she had finished before it was all over. I'm not going to lie and say it was completely painless, it hurt a little bit. But nothing to stress over. It was really quick, and overall I am definitely happy that I got it done! The main thing I hope anyone gains from this is: if you are considering getting your nose pierced, DO NOT YOUTUBE IT BEFORE HAND! You will completely freak yourself out when it is not that scary.